Folder Datasets


archive Neurophysiological data collected at the Nets3 Laboratory, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genoa - Italy Popular

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These data were published in:

Nieus T., Di Marco S., Maccione A., Amin H. and Berdondini L., Investigating cell culture dynamics combining high density recordings with dimensional reduction techniques, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2015

Any person downloading these accepts to acknowledge this study by citing it in every publication or report arising from the use of these data. 
Data description:
The data consist of the spiking activity of hippocampal cell cultures recorded with the high density 4096 electrodes MEA device. The following protocol was repeated for each experiment (five different experiments: 331, 332, 208, 212, 214)

  1.  spontaneous activity;
  2.  basal: stimulation is delivered and activity is recorded;
  3. norepinephrine:  stimulation is delivered and activity is recorded;
    For each experiment, the phase of the outlined experimental protocol is reported (e.g. for experiment 331, step 2 corresponds to file Chip331_Phase08_stim_spikes.txt etc...). Refer to the Excel file "Table of Experiments batch 3.xlsx" for further details about experiments 331 and 332 and refer to “Experiments batch 4.txt” for further details about experiments 208, 212, 214.
    File format:
    Each file (filename_spikes.txt) contains N rows and 2 columns (N is the number of spikes). The second column corresponds to the time stamps of the spiking activity and the first one to the corresponding electrode ID (numbered from 1 - top left of the recording matrix - to 4096 - bottom right of the recording matrix). Another file contains the time artifacts (filename_tart.txt). Finally the file “filename_stertstop.txt“ reports the start and stop times of the recording.
    Stimulation protocol:
    In all experiments, 8 of the available 16 stimulation electrodes were used (numbered 1 to 16 with the same top left to bottom right convention). A pseudorandom stimulation sequence was implemented according to protocols 1 and 2.
        protocol 1 (used for 208, 212, 214):
            stimulation electrodes {2,4,5,7,10,12,13,15} are activated repeating the sequence 
            [10,2,15,5,13,7,12,4,15,7,10,13,2,4,5,12] 16 times ( yielding a total of 32 repetitions per stimulus)
        protocol 2 (used for 331, 332):
            stimulation electrodes {1,3,6,8,9,11,14,16} are activated repeating the sequence
            [1,11,16,14,3,9,8,6,14,3,6,1,11,9, 8,16,6,11,14,9,8,16,1,3,14,8,6,1,11,9,3,16] 30 times
            (yielding a total of 60 repetitions per stimulus)
    Thierry Nieus (IIT)
    Alessandro Maccione (IIT)
    Hayder Amin (IIT)
    Stefano Di Marco (IIT)
    Luca Berdondini (IIT)

archive Neurophysiological data of leech nervous system collected at the Vincent Torre's Laboratory, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste - Italy Popular

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Data description:
In the folder you will find a complete experimental session. An ideal experimental session is performed by the electrical stimulation of the four sensory P cells (P1 or Dorsal and P2 or Ventral) of a leech ganglion while recording from the main 8 nerves (Dorsal Posterior, Posterior Posterior, Medial Anterior, Anterior Anterior) using extracellular sucking electrodes. All the experiments were performed stimulating a sensory cell with 1, 2 or 3 squared pulses of 20 msec at 10 Hz after 2 sec of spontaneous activity. We used27,5 sec recording protocol with 5 different stimuli and we mixed the order of the stimulations. Everything was set to have 50 trials for each kind of stimulus.
Each .mat file contains all the variables needed to visualize the data, among these you will find:
Spike time
Stimulus time

archive Neurophysiological data of paper "A dynamical model of the effect of Locus Coeruleus firing on single-trial cortical state dynamics and sensory" by Safaai et al in PNAS 2015 Popular

By 1654 downloads

These data were published in 

 H. Safaai, R. Neves, O. Eschenko, N. K. Logothetis, Stefano Panzeri, A dynamical model of  the effect of Locus Coeruleus firing on single-trial cortical state dynamics and sensory, PNAS 2015, published ahead of print September 28, 2015doi:10.1073/pnas.1516539112

Any person downloading these accepts to acknowledge this study by citing it in every publication or report arising from the use of these data. 
Each of the following rar file contains data from a different experimental session. Each file containa the time series of multiunit spiking activity simultaneously recorded from 29 electrodes (array spacing 50 , impedance 200  ) placed in the paw representation area of the right-hemisphere primary somatosensory cortex (S1), from one electrode in the left Locus Coeruleous (LC) s, and from one electrode in the right LC. These data contain responses to nine different trains of electrical paw stimulations (three different frequencies and three different amplitudes, 15-30 trials per stimulus). (see Safaai et al, PNAS 2015, for full details) 

Within each rar file containing an experimental session, the data are saved in Matlab format and the data structure is as follows:
Each folder contains a series of trials of the data from -6 to 6 seconds of activity around the stimulus onset.
The data in each file contains the spiking times of each cortical S1 channel and also the LC signals band pass filtered between 400-3000 Hz in STD units.
DATA.S1_Spikes{N}: Spike times of right S1 channel number N.
DATA.LC_1: Left LC signal.
DATA.LC_2: Right LC signal.
DATA.LC_TIME: Time stamps of LC signals.
DATA.Stim: The time course of the stimulus pulse.
DATA.Time: The time stamps of the stimulus pulse.
DATA.Stim_ID: Stimulus id of the trial from 1-9.

default Neurophysiological data recorded at the Neural Computer Interaction Lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, (IIT), Italy. Popular

By 2019 downloads

This dataset has been prepared by Vito de Feo, Fabio Boi and Alessandro Vato and contains the data collected to test the VLSI-based state-dependent bidirectional brain-machine interface.
This dataset contains two recording sessions, J3 and S35 organized as following:
1) Data.streams
a. RawD  (Neural signals)
-data.streams.RawD.ts -> time stamps of the raw data -> 2D array [#channels x #samples] containing the recorded neural signals-data.streams.RawD.fs -> sampling frequency of the data stream
b.  Puls (Stimulation signals)
-data.streams.Puls.ts -> Time stamps of the stimulus -> 2D array [#stimuli x #samples] containing  the binary values for each stimulation pattern. Bin ‘1’ means that the relative stimulation is active.
-data.streams.RawD.fs -> sampling frequency of the stimulation trigger
2)  data.snips (Spike signals)
-data.snips.eNe1.ts -> Time stamps of the spike
-data.snips.eNe1.chan-> id of the electrode that recorded the spike in data.snips.eNe1.ts
FP7-70pxeu-flag-70pxfet-70pxThe project SI-CODE acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open grant number: FP7-284553